Summer Services

After careful consideration, Rev. Shay, your Boards, and your worship teams, have decided to cancel live Sunday services during the summer.  In-person gatherings still feel unsafe and the technicalities of Zoom services are daunting for many lay leaders.

HOWEVER, Rev. Shay and other folks from both congregations will be writing and/or recording short reflections, meditations, presentations, etc. that will be made available to you throughout the summer.  Stay tuned to email, the websites, and Facebook for more info!

As of right now, no decisions have been made regarding services in the Fall.  We will continue listening to recommendations from health professionals, our state government, and the UUA staff – and will re-evaluate as necessary as things move forward.  Our first priority is keeping all of our members and friends as safe as possible, while also continuing to provide as much spiritual nourishment and community support as we can.