Thoughts on Creativity and Awe

The March 10th service will be presented by Karen Nelson and is titled Thoughts on Creativity and Awe. Karen describes her service as follows: Last fall, knowing that winter was coming, I decided I should challenge myself with some new reading. This service is inspired by two books. First, I selected The Creative Act: A way of being (2023) by Rick Rubin. It was easy to choose given the amazing creativity of many of you in this church and the fact that creativity is even more evident during the holiday season. Then, I think Tom Putnam mentioned Awe: The new science of wonder and how it can transform your life (2023) by Dacher Keltner. I had read about it and, once I began Rubin’s book, decided I should challenge awe next. In the end, as is often the case, I found fascinating intersections between the two.


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